Everyone wants websites to have higher page ranks and more traffic. Well, one of the ways to get more traffic is to comment on blogs that link back to your website. Fast Blog Finder is the tool with which you can search for dofollow blogs in just few minutes. Fast Blog Finder allows you to search for blogging websites as per keywords or phrases and returns results in a listing format. It allows you to sort the results as per the domain page rank, last updated date, outbound links count and type (nofollow/unknown/dofollow) and view the website in the program itself. Fast Blog Finder also provides you with a powerful Backup and Restore feature. One of the coolest features of this tool is that it provides you with several filter options. You can filter out blogs that have not been posted in for a specific date range and can set the program to return only dofollow blogs as results. Version 2.60 is the latest version of Fast Blog Finder that includes a new option for query suggestion which when checked provides you with suggestions for your search queries. Fast Blog Finder has a simple user friendly interface. Interestingly, this fast and easy to use blog commenter software is available for free to try.